Gardening Classes

Organic Gardening Class

Explore the Benefits

Harvest for your health and reap the benefits. Besides growing fruits and vegetables for your dinner table, gardening offers other benefits like: 


  • Reduce Anxiety Gardening can help you focus your thoughts, stay busy, and develop a sense of purpose. You practice mindfulness while maintaining your garden. You will notice the beautiful nature that surrounds you and learn how to take care of your plants. 
  • Sense of Empowerment You can’t control cancer, but you can control the food you grow and the beautification of your home. Gardening creates an outdoor (or indoor) living space for yourself and you make all the important decisions. 
  • Promote Physical Activity Gardening includes low to moderate exercises like weeding, planting, digging, walking from one place to another, carrying bags of soil, etc. 
  • Boost of Vitamin D Your skin uses the sunlight to make vitamin D. The “sunshine” vitamin strengthens your immune system and bones.

Reduce the Risks

Gardening can be a healthy hobby and very relaxing, but there are some risks. Here are some important health and safety tips to reduce the risks:


  • Avoid Extended Exposure to the Sun Apply (and reapply) sunscreen throughout the day and wear a hat to keep the sun out of your face. 
  • Clean Cuts Clean wounds thoroughly with warm water and cover the area before returning to the garden. If infection or irritation occurs, contact your doctor. 
  • Listen to Your Body Gardening can be physically demanding, leaving you sore and causing mild aches. Perform stretches before (and after) gardening and take breaks. 
  • Stay Hydrated Drink water to avoid dehydration. 
  • Wash Your Hands Use warm water and soap after handling soil and plants. 

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